Thursday, September 25, 2014

Candide's Punishments

Candide's punishments do not fit the crime. Maybe it is because this is a satirical novel and Voltaire is being over dramatic to get his point across, but the "punishments " in this book are severe. Punishments in the story are wild and extreme. They are done carelessly and without much thought. Possibly it is because we now live in a society where these are considered cruel,  unusual and against a person’s civil rights that I feel this way. However, I feel that within the the story there is a lot of unnecessary and unjust tragedy, violence and misfortune.
Rather it be direct punishment from the fictional town’s local government or karma that brought on the hardships of these characters, it has been distributed randomly. I think that the punishments given out are being given to the wrong crimes. Character’s such as the Old Lady and those hanged alongside Pangloss, seem to be facing hardships despite having committing any real crime. So far in the story Candide has killed three people and has not been punished for those crimes. However, he received beatings from the Bulgar army for talking a stroll and exercising his free will. I think that the punishments do not fit the crime because so many things are sliding by dealt with and unprosecuted while trivial things and innocent people are being affected.
I think that this says something about how things are dealt with in real life. While In today’s society we arent resulting to running the gauntlet or hanging people for criticizing religion, there tend to be instances when small things can be blown out of proportion and big ones go by undetected.  People should put more thought into not only the punishments they give out, but rather the crimes deserve the level of punishment given.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Modern Gadfly

The Modern Gadfly is the person who critics and questions certain aspects of life. Socrates made people examine their lives and beliefs. Voltaire mocks and criticized many concepts in Candide. I think that in today's society, everyone has a little gadfly in them.

So many integral components of our lives are drilled into us from day. Often times we’re influenced by our parents and pressured by society to think and behave a certain way. These things are drilled into us starting the day we are born.

Many people probably go along with their lives, but i think that somewhere at some point in time everyone has at least wondered. As we grow older, i believe, we start to question or at least examine some of these concepts. Have we been looking at a cave wall our entire lives? I think the Gadfly in all of us sometimes questions what we know. It goes back to the unexamined life. I think in today’s society, we all to some extent examine life and are all to some extent the “modern gadfly”.

However, sometimes our gadfly moments are short and infrequent. I think sometimes people are very quick to analyze aspects of their lives and just as quickly to dismiss their findings. On the other hand, I think there are few people continue with their investigation and critique of life and alter their beliefs and ideals accordingly.

         I think Stephan Hawking is a prominent modern gadfly. Over the years he has established himself as someone who uses science to contradict many generally accepted phenomena such as religion and the creation of the universe. I think that while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, figures such as Hawking overstep by over critiquing other peoples beliefs. The Gadfly is useful in helping people to make sense of their lives but it becomes a problem when that critique is offense and intolerant. 

           I personally wonder rather the gadfly is good or are we better off without it. I question the intentions of the gadfly. Is it here to help us analyze our lives? Or to poke holes in everything we believe? I think that while there is a little gadfly in all of us, to a certain extent we have to limit the influences it has on our lives and decisions and what we truly believe.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Unexamined Life

Alice Walker wrote in the Color Purple “I think us here to wonder, myself. To wonder. To ask. And that in wondering bout the big things and asking bout the big things, you learn about the little ones, almost by accident. But you never know nothing more about the big things than you start out with. The more I wonder, the more I love.” I strongly identify with this quote and as a result agree that an unexamined life isn’t worth living. The examination of life in my opinion leads to revelations in the smaller components of life.

By wondering about or examining life, people can learn more about themselves and who they are. Evaluate their current lives and consider their future. Analyzing leads to purpose and meaning. In today's society, many people live their lives day by day, too consumed with their superficial problems. They are blissfully unaware that they aren’t actually living. I think that it is necessary to examine one’s life to see if it is actually being lived properly and productively.

Examination can also force you to rethink your beliefs and actions. Many times people just go with the flow, but no one ever thinks to question what's going on. Examination and the questioning of certain aspects of one’s life can lead a person to change; or to a stronger and assured confidence. 

              Without the questioning or confidence, I think people will be lost. Living lives that aren't up to their full potential. I don't think anyone will ever fully or successfully examine life or figure it out, but i think that in every one's pursuit to try to do so, they will learn a lot about themselves and the lives they’re living.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


My name is Clark Lewis. I was born and raised on the south-side of Chicago, Illinois. I currently live here with my parents and two younger brothers. I am a very easy going and nonchalant person. I am happiest when I am relaxing and socializing with friends. In my free time I like to run (I am apart of the Track and Field team), watch TV and paint my nails and listen to music.

My goals this school year are to first and foremost graduate high school. Secondly, I would like to relax and really enjoy all that my senior year is going to offer me. In past years, my focus has been doing everything possible to make myself look like the ideal college applicant. This year, I aim to socialize more, have more fun and take in everything that will be happening around me. When I leave Whitney Young I want to know that I have experienced all that the school is.

My high school experience was one that taught me a lot about myself, who I am and where I would to go in my life. Whitney Young has challenged me and I feel that because of it I have evolved tremendously over the past years. As I am currently a senior in high school, I am starting the process of applying for college. I feel that I have grown a lot during my high school years and I would like to attend a university that is going to allow and encourage me to continue doing that.