Sunday, October 12, 2014

How Do I Know What I Know?

       You know what you know because of the learning and observing you have done since childhood, after you know to believe. Beliefs comes from questions, criticizing that leave you to interpret what you've been taught. In addition to what you've been taught in text books and by parents, everything learned from experience. Once you gain that experience you interpret it and analyze it. 

        You know what you know because it is what you have grown to believe. I think it all starts when you are young. You start off learning and observing from different experiences you have. We take after and learn from our parents, teachers and other influential figures during our childhood development. You learn from your text book that 2+2=4 and that Columbus discovered the Americas. From your parents what is right and wrong. 

         But it is after we have learned that we begin to criticize. It is this that leads us to believing and knowing certain things. We examine our life and the things we've been taught to see if they're accurate and if we agree with them. After you analyze you determine if you want to follow and believe in the things you have been taught. You know what you know because you have been taught it and after a process of examination, come to accepted it as truth and knowledge. 

        The things that are not proven or accepted are rejected. We no longer believe in them. Humans always want to make sense of things they do not know. So we set ourselves out on a quest in order to find the truth. 

        I think that trough learning, experiences and a lot of examining we decide what we think is true and decide to accept as what we know.


  1. I agree that our learning and knowledge comes from our experiences and environment. I liked how you pointed out how parents are a huge factor in who we are and who we will become.

  2. Textbooks = experience? Just think about all the things put in books that past generations accepted as truth.

  3. I agree with this process for accepting knowledge. I think it is good for us to first take things in and then examine it for ourselves before we accept it and it is important that we don't just take everything as absolutely true.
